I have to say goodbye more time than I can count.. And no matter how many times I do it, even for the greater goods it still stinks..
Especially when I have to say it to my family..
For me goodbye is not just a BYE BYE.. It meant a HOPE that we will meet again next time in future.. Who knows..
And I hate goodbye... I have to say goodbye to my 2 younger brothers when i was attach here in Tebedu for my first posting.. Hanya Tuhan ja faham perasaan bila kita terpaksa meninggal kan adik adik yang masih kecil lagi duduk berseorangan di Sibu.. Thanx God Udak sitting next door.. but it doesn't mean that I can tarik nafas lega.. It killing me inside out.. Thinking about them.. Apa adik adik ku makan? Sihat ka cdak nya...??!!
When my mum and my dad passed away.. that is the crucial moment that I had in my life.. Masih lagi belajar and Bye bye to my brothers and my sisters. Owh my God.. Air mata can't tell how I felt that day when I have to go back to Kuching to finised my study and leaving my adik adik.. even though people see me laugh.. See me smile it doesn't shows what I felt inside..
Walau bagaimanapun.. Life must go on.. even though goodbye stinks... All we have to do just live our life to the fullest.. Don't give up on everything because there is someone out there that still love you,us.. and even though our parents already gone, their love, kasih sayang nya masih lagi bersama sama dengan kita.. Don't give up..
Think from the bright side..
Lots of love
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